Alena, Practice Manager

With 18 years in the beauty industry, Alena brings a wealth of expertise from her roles as an esthetician and laser technician. With a Bachelor’s degree in Business Public Relations and Marketing, Alena navigates the beauty landscape with a clear, purposeful direction: ensuring every individual feels their absolute best, inside and out.

Alena and the team are committed to providing an all-encompassing range of services – from facials to lasers to injectables – each carefully designed to meet and exceed every patient’s unique beauty aspirations. It’s more than a physical transformation; it’s about ensuring each client is educated, empowered, and leaves every session feeling radiantly confident.

Alena personally recommends the BBL/Moxi combo treatments. Living under the hot Arizona sun, she finds this treatment series notably effective in treating various skin depths, managing texture, reducing fine lines, and addressing hyperpigmentation, ensuring skin not only maintains but radiates its healthful vitality.