It’s a hot, and somewhat awkward topic, but hey, when thousands of women are searching for ways to tighten up their who-ha, get some feeling back in “the vicinity” and stop those darn bladder leaks, it’s time we lend them an ear. There are a few options available, so let’s go over the top choices and you make a decision.
What is Vaginal Rejuvenation?
This term is popping up all over the internet, social media and trending magazines. Sometimes the term is interchanged with ‘revitalization’ or ‘vaginal lift’, but all in all, these terms mean one of two things.
1. The process of altering the exterior vaginal appearance (cosmetic)
2. The process of repairing atrophic vaginitis, brought on by menopause or child birth (function)
1 out of 2 women suffer from stress urinary incontinence after childbirth
These options then beg the question, what is atrophic vaginitis? In short, the answer is vaginal discomfort, typically manifesting itself in dryness, burning, urinary incontinence, unbalanced pH, and pain during intercourse.
Amazingly enough, only 4% of women recognize these symptoms of vaginal atrophy, 63% do not even recognize vaginal atrophy as a chronic condition, however, once these symptoms are identified, 75% of women report that these issues negatively impact their lives.
Chances are, if you are over 40 years old or have given vaginal birth, you may be suffering with these concerns. This leads us to the available options; we’ll discuss these in order of least invasive to most invasive.
Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation
This form of feminine rejuvenation focuses more on the functionality of the vaginal region, however, FemTouch (discussed below) does offer an external solution to some aesthetic desires patients may have. The below vaginal rejuvenation options focus on correcting:
- Atrophic vaginitis (lack of hydration or lubrication)
- Vaginal burning
- Stress urinary incontinence (usually due to childbirth)
- Pain during intercourse (dyspareunia)
- Unbalanced pH
The main difference in these treatments is the type of energy used to perform the treatment. The options are, ablation (Er:YAG laser), heat (radio frequency) or CO2 (combining heat and light). Radio frequency treatments are more for superficial treatments, ablative treatments use light energy and CO2 lasers are able to penetrate deeper, providing longer lasting and better results.
We start with the Er:YAG laser, which is most superficial and work up to CO2, ablative lasers, the deepest penetrating.
Petit Lady Action II, Lutronic
Er:YAG laser requiring 3 treatments, 2 weeks apart.
Time during procedure: 15-30 minutes
Pain: No pain
Recovery: No downtime
Results: Women reported improvement in tightened vagina and vestibule, vaginal atrophy and improved pigment
Price: Not Found
RealSelf Worth It Rating: Not Found
How long does it last: Up to 1 year
Temperature-controlled radio frequency, 3 treatments at 4-6 week intervals
Time during procedure: 30 minutes (treats inner and outer vagina)
Pain: Little to no pain
Recovery: No downtime
Results: Patients reported internal and external vaginal tightening, decreased dryness, reduced incontinence and leakage, and increased sexual satisfaction.
Price: Average $2,650
RealSelf Worth It Rating: 93%
How long does it last: Typically 1 year
Alma FemiLift™
Fractional CO2 laser, 3-5 treatments 4-6 weeks apart.
Time during procedure: 15 minutes
Pain: Little to no pain
Recovery: Downtime is typically 5 days
Results: Women report relief from stress urinary incontinence, increased vaginal lubrication and improved sexual function and satisfaction.
Price: Average $2,650
RealSelf Worth It Rating: 96%
How long does it last: 2-3 years
MonaLisa Touch
The MonaLisa Touch is a Fractional CO2 laser that requires 3 treatments, 6 weeks apart.
Time during procedure: 15 minutes
Pain: Little to no pain
Recovery: Possible redness and/or swelling, some discomfort for a few days.
Results: Most women report improved results for vaginal dryness, laxity, burning, pain during sex and urinary incontinence.
Price: Average $2,000
RealSelf Worth It Rating: 91%
How long does it last: 1 year
FemTouch™ by Lumenis
Derma Health Skin & Laser has chosen to provide FemTouch™ by Lumenis to our clients because of the long standing history and trustworthiness of the brand. Lumenis is the inventor and leader in CO2 lasers and has over 35 years experience in gynecology treatments. FemTouch also penetrates the deepest of any of the lasers mentioned here.
Time during procedure: 5 minutes (15 minutes for internal + external)
Pain: Little to no pain
Recovery: 2-3 days
Results: Patients report improved vaginal tightness, increased sexual pleasure (and for their partner), improvement or complete relief from stress urinary incontinence and leaks, increased lubrication and a balanced pH. Patients who received the external treatment reported improved tightness of the labia minor and majora.
Price: Average price, $2,075. Price at Derma Health: Starting at $1,125
RealSelf Worth It Rating: 80%
How long does it last: Typically about 2 years
Plastic Surgery
There are a few types of plastic surgery that fall into the vaginal rejuvenation topic and are typically used to address the aesthetic look, not function of the vagina. The most common cosmetic vaginal surgeries are:
- Vaginoplasty – LVR® / DVR®
- Vulvaplasty
- Labiaplasty
These surgeries work to correct:
- Enlarged labia minora
- Enlarged labia majora
- Clitoral hood
- Changes to the labia after childbirth
- Disproportionate prominence of the mons pubis
- Reducing the mons pubis after menopause
A vaginoplasty is for a lax or loose vagina, which comes about because of those cute little babies or even just because of the combination of age + gravity. A vaginoplasty with LVR® (laser vaginal rejuvenation) is a combination of traditional surgery coupled with lasers. Another form of a vaginoplasty is DVR® or designer vaginal rejuvenation, which is much the same as LVR®, however, the focus is on the aesthetic appearance of the vagina.
Important note – the lasers used in these procedures are used to do the cutting, in place of a scalpel. This is a completely different type of rejuvenation than the later discussed options for laser rejuvenation options, which do not require a scalpel or cutting.
A Vulvaplasty and Labiaplasty are pretty similar in that they work to correct symmetry or change the size or shape of the outer vagina.
There is a debate between plastic surgeons and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) as to whether these surgeries can improve pleasure during intercourse. Just because there is increased sensitivity does not automatically guarantee pleasure, it can actually mean pain!
Risks: Possible loss of sexual sensation, scarring, pain during intercourse, numbness, bleeding, and hematoma.
There are a lot of options when it comes to vaginal rejuvenation, however some offer more benefit than others. Talk with a qualified physician about the symptoms you are experiencing. At Derma Health, we have naturopathic doctors who have experience with gynecology and are experienced at creating a comfortable conversation for you to voice your concerns.
Want to know more?
- One of our clients wrote about her own FemTouch journey, read her story, Why I am considering vaginal rejuvenation [True Story] | Part 1