Laser hair removal treatments introduce focused energy from intense pulsed light or laser light to the pigment of hair follicles thus causing damage preventing or reducing re-growth. Although the procedure is tested, FDA approved, safe and effective there are possible side effects and risks post treatment. Let’s talk about what to expect after a laser hair removal appointment.
Most experience no adverse effects after the laser hair removal procedure. However, you may have some sensitivity and there are best practices to ensure the most effective results. To care for your sensitive treated skin, we’ve compiled a list of 10 common recommendations for post treatment skin care. Talk to your provider before treatment so you can ask questions and understand what is normal and abnormal after a laser hair removal treatment.
Basic Laser Hair Removal Aftercare
- Avoid the sun for 7 days after the procedure
- Avoid topical sunless tanning products for 7 days
- If the skin is sensitive or irritated you may use over the counter (OTC) medicine such as Tylenol
- If a blister appears contact your provider for direction, but in most cases you may apply an antibiotic ointment to the area until healed
- Avoid any other type of skin treatment for 2 weeks after the procedure
- Slather on the sunscreen daily, at least 30+ SPF
- Gently exfoliate the area in the shower
- Do not wax, pluck or otherwise remove the hair by force, shaving is allowed
- Due to skin sensitivity avoid excess heat for 24-48 hours such as hot showers, saunas, hot tubs, or heat packs
- Avoid make-up, deodorant, or other topical creams or medications for 24 hours
Laser hair removal is one of the most frequently consumed non-surgical cosmetic procedures in the United States. There are various types of technologies available and many companies offer the service. To achieve desired results, 6-8 treatments are typical per area and should be spaced several weeks apart. To learn more about laser hair removal check out the comprehensive article here.
Want a free consultation about laser hair removal? Complete the form above and our customer care team will call to schedule your appointment to get hair-free for good!
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