What Your Hands Are Trying To Tell You: Remedies For Dry, Cracked, Over-Washed Hands

What Your Hands Are Trying To Tell You: Remedies For Dry, Cracked, Over-Washed Hands

With all of the extra hand washing and the use of alcohol based sanitizers as our new normal, we all need long term solutions to help us manage the dry skin that inevitably will occur as a result. Dry, cracked and even bleeding hands can be painful and if left untreated, can easily get in the way of your everyday tasks, from work to making a meal for your family.

Below are tips you can try to keep your hands looking and feeling their best right now, in spite of the excessive hand washing required during our current pandemic.

Make A Few Adjustments To Your Hand Washing Regime

Simple everyday steps can help reduce dryness and actively fight against it. First, it’s important to use warm or cool water and a moisturizing soap when washing hands to help reduce trauma from scorching hot water or harsh cleansers like dish soap. After washing your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds, use a soft towel to dry your hands. Instead of reaching for your regular moisturizer, try a serum. We recommend Skin Script’s Ageless Hydrating Serum.

Place a pea-sized amount on the back of your hands and gently massage it in. This serum contains Hyaluronic Acid, a naturally occurring sugar found in the skin that retains water and helps keep your skin looking plump. Since serums contain much smaller molecules than heavy creams, the serum can penetrate the layers of your skin more deeply. As you massage the serum in, be sure to apply it to your cuticles also to keep them healthy and pliable.

Whenever possible, try to use gloves while cleaning or doing the dishes. This will also help reduce additional exposure for the sensitive, dry skin on your hands. At night, after applying the serum once more before bed, you could also apply a heavier moisturizing hand or body cream on top of the serum to form a protective barrier while you sleep. In the morning, repeat, but be sure to add sun screen.

‘Facials’ For Your Hands

Your Aesthetician is always available to provide a complimentary skin assessment with recommendations for the best medical grade skin care for your unique concerns and skin type. You may also want to consider requesting additional time at your regular HydraFacial treatment so your clinician can also treat your hands, neck and chest. You’ll be amazed at the difference you’ll see when you have a HydraFacial treatment on the sensitive, thinner skin in these areas. If you are concerned about sun damage, brown spots, red spots, or wrinkles, consider IPL Photofacial treatments to eliminate spots and sun damage, or Laser Skin Resurfacing.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

We can’t emphasize it enough. Try to drink as much water as you possibly can. Especially during the hot summer months. If you have a dry mouth, dizziness and dark-colored urine your body is probably dehydrated. Staying fully hydrated will also help your overall skin health. Drink at least 64 ounces of water every day and eat fruits and vegetables that are composed of 80 to 99 percent water, such as berries, melons and lettuce, to reach your daily hydration goals.

By using the proper products, taking some extra precautions, like wearing gloves, and hydrating your entire body from the inside, you’ll reduce some of the dryness, redness and wrinkles that may otherwise occur.  If your hands start to develop sores, bleeding, or discoloration, please see a healthcare professional immediately.