How Lasers Treat Smokers Lines Above Your Upper Lip

How Lasers Treat Smokers Lines Above Your Upper Lip

Besides the obvious cosmetic defect that any line on your face represents, in woman with smokers’ lines who use lipstick, to add insult to injury, the lipstick often bleeds up into those lines. Once you have smokers’ lines, even you’ve stopped smoking, they’re permanent and they don’t go away. So, what can we do to help repair smokers’ lines?

Botox for Smokers Lines

There are two temporary ways we treat them, and one permanent way. The temporary way consists of, surprise!, BOTOX® and fillers. BOTOX® to weaken, not to paralyze the muscle, but just to weaken it so that you make the lines less deeply when you talk, and filler can help restore the volume that has been destroyed, and just to improve the overall condition, combined with the BOTOX®.

Botox for lips derma health

That treatment will last 3-6 months and makes a significant improvement, but does not make them go away completely.

Dermal Fillers for Smokers Lines

Juvederm volbella filler for lipsDermal fillers are a great way to add actual volume to the lips and smooth smokers lines. We recommend Juvederm Volbella for lip plumping and lip lines. The smooth hyaluronic acid substance is thinner than most other facial fillers, allowing the filler to spread into those fine lip line crevices. Volbella is also slightly pliable, giving lips a soft, pouty look and allowing the injector to contour the lips to the desired look and feel.


Active FX Before After

Laser Treatments for Smokers Lines

There are several laser options for smokers lines as well. Often the most effective would be laser skin resurfacing. Resurfacing removes the top layer of the skin, allowing new collagen and elastin to create new, healthy skin. In turn, this tightens lax skin and smoothes fine lines and wrinkles. The image here is from one of the deepest lasers available today, the Active FX CO2 laser.

Less invasive or a treatment requiring little to no down time would be microneedling. This treatment requires a few sessions, but the results are quite remarkable. Microneedling also addresses a wide array of common aging issues as well, so the benefit is seen full circle.
Finally, the least invasive laser treatment would be BTL Exilis Ultra. This laser uses heat and radiowaves to stimulate collagen growth and causes the skin to smooth and tighten. Multiple treatments are required for best outcomes, however, there is no down time at all associated with this option.