A highly arched eyebrow is a classic sign of youthful beauty. But as we age, forehead and frown lines begin to form and often our eyelids will begin to lose laxity, creating a hooded eye effect. Many of our patients are concerned these changes make them look older, grumpy and more tired. Strategically injected BOTOX® can help reverse and prevent many of these changes.
What Causes Sagging Skin & Wrinkling Of The Forehead?
Beginning in our early to late 20s, we all start losing collagen production deep within the layers of our skin. Collagen supports our skin (like a scaffold) keeping it tight, plump and supple. As we lose collagen we begin to notice our skin becoming more lax. Laser skin treatments are essential to our skin care regime as they stimulate the production of collagen and help combat the aging process from the inside out. When used in combination with Laser treatments, Botox® is effective at relaxing the muscles that cause the formation of lines and wrinkles, while also preventing new lines from forming.
Our foreheads and eyebrows are pulled downward by the action of the muscles around our eyes. When we frown, the frown muscles pull the skin down towards the base of our nose. These muscles (Procerus and Corrugator muscles) are called the frown muscles and contribute to brow ptosis (literally, drooping eye).
In addition, the muscles on the side of our forehead around the eyes, also pull the forehead down when we smile or grimace. These muscles, called the Orbicularis Oculi muscles cause crow’s feet and brow ptosis or sagging.
The combination of aging, muscle tone loss, fat pad loss, loss of collagen and the daily repeated pulling by the frown and crow’s feet muscles, over a lifetime can cause the eyebrow and forehead to droop down over the upper eyelid.
Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought,
“Why do I look so grumpy?” or “Why do I look tired all the time?”
…we have a treatment for that!
How Does the BOTOX® Brow Lift Work?
BOTOX® works by relaxing the various muscles that are pulling the forehead down. Botox temporarily (usually 3-4 months) inhibits the muscle movement receptors, resulting in a nicely arched brow.
What Do Injections Feel Like?
The injection needle is very small and typically patients tolerate the quick 15-20 minute procedure very easily. However, for the sensitive patient, your Medical Provider can apply a numbing cream to the skin prior to injection. Your Provider may also cool the the skin and underlying muscle by applying ice.
Are Injections Safe?
Yes! Botox injections are safe when applied by an experienced and properly trained Medical Professional.
This medication is extensively tested and has been on the market for various conditions for over 30 years. It is a safe, carefully prepared synthetic pharmaceutical grade product. According to Allergan, the makers of Botox®, 100 million vials of the drug have been sold in the United States since 2002. That’s over 1 Billion units in the U.S. alone! (most patients use over 35 units in a treatment). Millions of people have made Botox® part of their cosmetic wellness plan.
For Best Results
- Like any powerful medication, Botox® should only be administered by a licensed Medical Provider.
- Technique is very important, and your Provider must understand facial aesthetics and facial rejuvenation principals to achieve the best result possible.
- This treatment when administered properly will reduce deep forehead lines, frown lines and crows feet, while also preserving your natural facial expressions.
What Are Possible Complications?
Complications are very unusual. Temporary drooping of the eyelid is unusual but it can happen. Fortunately the recovery and return to normal state takes only a couple of weeks. This type of lid droop can usually be avoided with proper injection technique.
Headache and flu-like symptoms can occur but this is unusual, occurring in less than 2% of patients.
As with any medical procedure you should stay in direct contact with your Provider for any questions or concerns.
Where Should I Go For Treatment?
Consult a Medical Professional who is experienced in facial aesthetics and facial rejuvenation procedures. Unfortunately many people assume that these injections are easy to do and anyone can perform them. Ask questions.
It is important that your Provider understands how facial muscles work and can explain what is causing the aging changes that you wish to correct. Technique, training and experience are very important to achieve a great result.
At Derma Health, your injections are performed by fully licensed Nurse Practitioners and RNs with specific training in the medical aesthetics industry. Derma Health offers the most comprehensive training and continuing education program available for our Providers. The providers have deep experience in injections and each provider typically administers well over 1000 injections each month!
What Do Injections Cost?
The treatment is priced according to the amount (or units) of BOTOX® used.
A typical treatment can be 25 to 60 units. Your Provider will discuss the number of recommended units with you prior to treatment. At Derma Health, we offer several ways you can save on your Botox and Laser treatments. Click HERE to learn more.
One thing to keep in mind when thinking about price. As with any product or service, you get what you pay for. Be wary of low priced injections. In the past, some unscrupulous have used out of date or imitation Botox. We have also found that some dilute the product significantly so it is more profitable for them. If this happens, your treatment will be less effective and will not last as long.
Be proactive! Ask questions, such as:
- When was the vial opened?
- How is the product diluted?
- What is the price for the units you need for this treatment versus the per unit price for an entire vial?
- How many injections have you done in your career?
- How much training have you had? (Some Providers offer just one afternoon of training for new Injectors before treating patients).
- Are you trained in both on-label and off-label techniques?
Interested in learning more? Complete the form to schedule a complimentary assessment and consultation.
Read more about Botox Here:
- 5 Things You Can Expect During Your Botox Treatment
- Botox & Botulism – Botox Safety
- Botox For Excessive Sweating – Hyperhidrosis
- Why I’m Starting Botox At 26