Checking in! It’s been a few weeks since my first vaginal rejuvenation procedure with FemTouch at Derma Health. I wanted to give you a post procedure recap on my results and encourage you to take this freeing step in your life. My main concern was vaginal lubrication and incontinence and I’m very happy with the results!
Recovery After the Procedure
The evening after the procedure, I did not experience any pain or discomfort. I simply remembered to be gentle when using the tissue paper in the bathroom. This is specifically due to the external treatment, as I had no pain or discomfort internally. All of my future treatments are only addressing the internal portion, so there should be zero tenderness moving forward. My provider recommended castor oil to apply topically to the area for a few days post procedure to soothe and prevent any itchiness. You do NOT want to scratch the area while healing.
In fact, I did not experience any pain or discomfort at all post procedure.
A Few Days Later
After a few days (about 3), I did begin to experience some itchiness associated with the healing process on the external areas. The application of castor oil stopped that right in it’s tracks!
The Results are In!
So I know you are all dying to hear the results! Well, now keep in mind my case will require 2-3 internal treatments overall but right away I noticed a difference in a couple key areas…
- Vaginal dryness reduced significantly which in turn increases sexual sensation. Yea!
- The internal area does “feel” tighter and therefore again increases sexual sensation.
I did not suffer from frequent UTIs (urinary tract infections) or incontinence so I cannot comment on those issues, (although my girlfriends who have had the procedure certainly did see major improvements in these issues!!)
My next appointment is in a few weeks and again, just the internal vaginal area will receive treatment. I’m excited about the results I am feeling so far and look forward to my next two treatments!
Ladies, here’s to taking charge of our health and empowering ourselves to be the best we can be in all areas of our lives!